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Selectmen Minutes 06/24/2008
Chichester Board of Selectmen
June 24, 2008

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Selectman MacCleery, Selectman Jordan and Administrator Lisa Stevens.  
Chairman DeBold was excused.

Others present: Alan Mayville, Chris Weir, Mike Paveglio, Jim & Michelle Plunkett, Ted Bailey, Richard Moore, Jamie Pike

Selectman MacCleery opened the meeting 7:00pm.  

Mr. Christopher Weir informed the body that he would be video taping the meeting this evening.

SUBJECT: Department Heads
PRESENT: David Kenneally, Road Agent; Gil Vien, Fire Chief; David Paveglio, Building Inspector; Mike Paveglio, Deputy Building Inspector, John Martell, Emergency Management Director, and Patrick Clarke, Police Chief

BI – Mr. Paveglio informed the Board he is scheduled to meet with the Planning Board at their July meeting.  The Tractor Supply Store is going up rapidly.  Selectman MacCleery asked Mr. Paveglio if he could handle the inspections on a building of that size.  Mr. Paveglio responded that yes in instances like these, he taps into resources available at the State level.  Mr. Paveglio also mentioned that the contractor has an oversight guy on site at all times.  Mr. Paveglio is impressed with the job to this point.

Fourteen building permits have been issued for single family dwellings with only one active at this time.

EMD – Mr. Martell reported the base radio for the Emergency Operations Center (Safety Building) is on its way.  As a stipulation of the grant award, Mr. Martell must be present during its installation.

Mr. Martell asked the Board for an explanation as to why he was not recommended as a new member to the Road Advisory Committee.

Selectman Jordan stated he was not in favor of appointing John because he felt the committee needed more objectivity that John was too close to the Road Agent and his influence.  Selectman Jordan stated he thinks its going to turn into an old boys club.

Selectman MacCleery stated his opinion was that John appears too close to Chairman Dennis Call and he was concerned that John could be swayed by Dennis.

Mr. Martell followed up with these questions; define too close to Dave, sitting beside him, working with him?  I’m on the budget committee and the police department, am I going to get kicked off those too?

Mr. Martell continued by stating he is not influenced by anyone on any committee, he can be objective, he will tell you his opinion, the Selectman are looking for additional members, this is a small town its impossible not to sit on a committee with someone you know, this is kind of strange to me.

Mr. Kenneally stated he has never turned anyone away that wanted to be part of the committee; he has always brought their name forward for the Board to appoint.  

Mr. Mayville stated there are a lot of other committees run by a clique too.
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June 24, 2008

Selectman MacCleery stated John had satisfied his concerns, he has stated to him that he can be objective and suggested maybe the Board could revisit this when Chairman DeBold was in attendance.  Selectman MacCleery, on behalf of the Board, thanked Mr. Martell for his interest in the committee.

FD – No interest to date on the sale of the old SCBA gear or the old radios.  Two quotes received for repair of the transmission of the forestry truck are $2,000 and up.  The Chief has been told the transmission is a very light one, meaning the truck was intended to carry people not water.  Evidence indicates the transmission was already replaced on this vehicle in 1991. According to the recently adopted purchasing policy, three written quotes must be obtained prior to the Board making a decision to spend, unless the Board votes to waive their own policy in this instance.

Chief Vien informed the Selectmen of a protocol change from EMS services now requiring an ambulance to be equipped, when on a paramedic level, with an infusion pump.  This pump aids in the way medicines are administered.  This is an unbudgeted request that the Chief just became aware of last week.  The Chief submitted two written quotes for refurbished units.  The third quote is on its way.  The cost ranges between $1,200 - $1,800.  Discussion ensued on how to pay for this item.  Suggestions were in the future,   from increased medical billing, now, impact fees, or a budget line within the existing ambulance budget.  An increase to ambulance billing could take place however expenditures from that special revenue fund must go before a town meeting vote, impact fees must be tied to additional equipment, which this would be.  The question arose of timing of notification of this new mandate or protocol.  Mike Paveglio mentioned the town could contact the State EMS office and voice their concern or displeasure on the lack of notice. Selectman Jordan asked where the money for the repair of the forestry truck was coming from, take that money and don’t fix the truck.  That money is not in the budget either and it has not been decided whether or not the truck is going to be repaired or salvaged. No decision was made this evening; the Board will wait for the third quote and a full board prior to voting on this matter.

Selectman MacCleery read a letter of thank you and recognition of prompt and professional response by the Fire/Rescue squad, Chief Clarke and Officer Wright during resident Ethel Milano’s recent car accident.

PD – An increase in motor vehicle accidents is a strong indication that summer is here. Lisa informed Chief Clarke that Officer Wright has changed his benefits package as a result of his upcoming marriage on July 4th.  This increased cost was not anticipated.

HYW - Mr. Kenneally reported he is looking into the procedure for posting Center Road to No Through Trucking.  The Selectmen have authority to regulate the town roads.  The Road Agent wishes to confirm the posting is handled legally to allow the police department the enforceability.   Lisa has made inquiries with the LGC and DOT for guidance.  

The department has been busy with tree removal due to the large number of recent storms.

Mr. Kenneally asked for clarity regarding the purchase of gravel due to the recent purchasing policy.  The material has already been priced and quotes solicited for the year.  David would not need further approval by the Board for the remainder of this year based on those prices already on file.  The same would apply for the culvert materials.  

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June 24, 2008

Selectman MacCleery brought forward a telephone call he received from Mr. Lavalley regarding the loose pack on the top of the last hill on Hilliard Road and the condition of the new berm on the left hand side of the hill.  Selectman MacCleery inspected the road.  Mr. Kenneally explained the recent work performed on that section of the roadway and stated there is more to do.  The road is in a safe condition, maybe a little tricky to navigate on a motorcycle.

Selectman MacCleery inquired whether or not the sanders had been washed and oiled.  Mr. Kenneally responded, all the insides yes.

Selectman Jordan brought to Mr. Kenneally’s attention the newly constructed driveway on the Moses lot on Horse Corner Road and expressed his concerns for site distance and entrance.  Mr. Kenneally was directed to check on this and report his findings to the Board.  

Selectman MacCleery informed the Road Agent of correspondence received regarding a safety hazard caused by overgrown tree limbs at the intersection of Canterbury Road and Main Street.  Mr. Kenneally explained this is not his jurisdiction but rather the State’s and that not only he but the police department has brought this to the attention of the State previously with no action taken to this point.   Selectman MacCleery directed Lisa, David and Patrick to draft letters to the State on this matter and for Lisa to follow-up with the resident.  

Selectman MacCleery inquired as to the findings of the site visit to the Luksza property.  Mr. Kenneally stated when he visited the site on Swiggey Brook Road, the homeowner had not been constructing on town property.  Lisa was directed to notify Mr. Luksza that a driveway permit was required for the additional access he was creating.

SUBJECT: Capital Improvement Program submissions
PRESENT: CIP members Doug Hall, Richard Moore, Jamie Pike and Mike Paveglio

The CIP Committee was at the meeting to answers any questions or offer assistance to the department heads regarding the completion of the project forms.  A brief question and answer period followed.

SUBJECT: Elections
PRESENT: Doug Hall, Moderator

Mr. Hall made the Board aware that more voting booths are necessary to handle the amount of registered voters in town.  Particular concern is the upcoming General Election in November.  Mr. Hall has been working on options and pricing with Evelyn Pike, Town Clerk and Lisa Stevens, Town Administrator.

The options are, tabletop units for very little money or an additional eight booths matching the ones we have now. Additional chain and posts will be needed as well.  Mr. Hall would like to have the additional equipment available in time for the September primary to have a “test run”.  No decision was made this evening.

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SUBJECT: upgrade a portion of Short Falls Road to a Class V road
PRESENT: Ted Bailey   
Mr. Bailey is considering upgrading a portion of Short Falls Road to allow frontage on a lot of land he owns.  Mr. Bailey would like to hire the town crew to upgrade the road.  Mr. Bailey stated this has been done in the past and the town would get a little money in their pocket.  Mr. Kenneally stated he would still have to spend money out of his budget and the revenue coming in would go to the general fund.  Mr. Kenneally stated he does not have an opinion either way.  The Selectmen were not in favor of this proposal.

When the road is upgraded, it must be brought up to the standards voted upon at Town Meeting.  A hammerhead turnaround is acceptable provided there is adequate space for fire apparatus and plow trucks.

Selectman MacCleery thanked Mr. Mayville for removing the fire escape from the Community Building free of charge.

Selectman MacCleery advised the department heads to come up with a plan of action for the fuel overages.

Selectman Jordan asked the Road Agent how many yards of winter sand were used.  The Road Agent did not know the answer off the top of his head but will compile that information for Selectman Jordan.

SUBJECT: Fire Pond
PRESENT: Jim & Michelle Plunkett

Mr. & Mrs. Plunkett were here in response to the letter sent on behalf of the Selectmen to clarify the issue of fire suppression use by the town on the Plunkett’s property.  Mr. Plunkett stated he was dismayed to receive this letter and then read what the Fire Chief had stated in the minutes, inferring that the Plunkett’s were against the use of their pond by the fire department.  Mr. Plunkett continued by stating he had spoken to the Fire Chief on Election Day in March, as a follow up to his meeting with the Selectmen in February, and at that time offered to install the drafting pit provided the town paid for the materials.  Mr. Plunkett was more than willing to install the unit at the same time he would have an excavator on site constructing the pond.  What Mr. Plunkett did not agree to was constructing a gravel road across his property to get to the pond.  Mr. Plunkett stated he never heard anything more from the Fire Chief. The pond is near completion at this point.

Selectman MacCleery stated his opinion that he didn’t think it was beyond the town to supply the equipment.  

At this point Mr. Plunkett stated they could throw a hose in it and suck the water out that way if they had to.   According to the NHDES permit, you can’t put anything through the berm that was constructed.

The Board will discuss this miscommunication with the Fire Chief.

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June 24, 2008

On the same topic, Lisa updated the Board on her discussion with Barbara Ferman, the property owner on Ferrin Road that was working with the town on a Fire Pond Easement.  This process has seemed to stall and the Board had directed the Fire Chief to follow-up.  The Fire Chief reported to the Selectmen that the Ferman’s were no longer interested in giving the town access to their property unless they were given prior notice that the town was coming.  Mrs. Ferman emphatically denied that statement and assured Lisa that they were still working with Jeff Andrews from the Conservation Commission to get these documents finalized.  Mrs. Ferman further stated that the only concern she raised to the Fire Chief was that of liability should someone get hurt on her property.   Lisa advised her she could add language to the easement document clearly stating the property owner was released of all liability.  Attorneys for both sides have reviewed these documents several times to address all concerns.  The Board will speak to the Fire Chief about this as well, once he returns from vacation.


Lisa summarized the accounting workshop she had attended today.  More and more GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Practices) rules are tying the hands of auditing firms with the amount of assistance they can provide to the towns for year end processing to prepare for annual audits.  This is laying the responsibility more on the town adding the completion of the yearly financial papers and reporting on them, prior to the auditor performing his compliance.  This procedure is not a new one, just one that is being more strictly adhered to from the auditing profession.  Towns will be required to have someone on staff with the expertise to complete these financial documents.

The Selectmen selected the color of ‘snow’ for the siding on the Community Building.  Lisa will advise the contractor.

Lisa shared sample timesheets that included sections for description of tasks along with time in/out.  Lisa only received two responses from the municipal list serve of communities that list both on their timesheets.  Lisa asked for clarity from the Board members as to what exactly they would like the timesheets to show, all the tasks listed and the time spent on each, or a summary of what tasks are performed throughout the day, are they expecting an individual log on each sheet as well as the hours worked. It was stated that this is a work in progress and collaboration is needed with the department heads.  Chief Clarke stated this is duplicating work, his guys already complete daily cruiser logs, it is his job to know why the cruiser was in Concord not yours.  Chief Clarke expressed his frustration with what appears to imply that he is not doing his job as a supervisor.  Mr. Kenneally stated if the problem is that his department does not list time in/out, we can fix that and not make everyone else go through all this.  Selectman MacCleery stated it was not just the highway department, that the Selectmen needed to know where the employees were and what they were working on, when he gets asked why a highway employee was at the Epsom Circle in the middle of the day, he feels he should know that answer, it is his duty as a Selectman to let the townspeople know.  Again Chief Clarke stated it is his job to supervise his people and Selectman MacCleery stated it is our job to supervise you.  Chief Clarke responded but you don’t know day to day, we do, this is just going to add a lot of unnecessary paperwork.  Selectman MacCleery stated they are just trying to treat all departments the same.  This lead into a discussion about the new way the Selectmen were handling complaints.  Patrick stated in the past, the Selectman would contact the department head and the department head would follow-up first and then if the homeowner wasn’t satisfied they could go back to the Selectmen.  Selectman MacCleery stated he thinks this is a poor way to handle people’s concerns. He doesn’t like being the Selectman that appears to be picking on everybody but they call him, what do you want him to do?  

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David Kenneally stated the problem is that they come across as complaints all the time and they don’t know if it’s the same person with the same complaint all the time or something they’ve already taken care of in the two weeks that have gone by between meetings.  The discussion grew agitated with a lot of back and forth before Selectman MacCleery asked former Selectman Ted Bailey how he handled complaints when he was on the Board.  Mr. Bailey responded he called the department head up right away to find out what was going on.

Chris Weir posed the question, isn’t there a policy in place that requires all complaints be in writing?  Selectman MacCleery responded that only applies to zoning complaints.  Mr. Weir stated he was under the impression that when Dave Colbert was Selectman that policy enacted included any complaint.   There is no written policy to confirm or deny at this point.  Selectman MacCleery stated things are different now.  Pat Clarke responded you’re absolutely right, things are different now.  Ever since elections we are going backwards.  The problem he has with Steve handling complaints is that Pat doesn’t trust that Steve is telling the people what Pat said, Pat doesn’t get a chance to defend or correct himself.  Like the complaint about not lettering the cruiser, Pat doesn’t know who that was from.  Selectman MacCleery stated that was his concern and further he had accepted Pat’s explanation of why he chose not to letter it at this time but did add that in talking with people lately it has been in the news that people are impersonating police officers and pulling women over. Chief Clarke stated that anyone who was not sure it was a legitimate police officer behind them could proceed to a well lit area before pulling over and it would not be held against them.   John Martell stated his opinion that calls or complaints should be directed to the department heads.  Lisa explained to the group that residents don’t always realize they can call or approach the department head directly.  Residents are not aware that the Selectmen are not in the office and involved in the day to day operations of the town, that we are the ones who could answer those questions.  It was apparent that a collaborative discussion was needed on protocol for handling complaints and concerns across the board.  Lisa will work on drafting some guidelines for future discussion.  The Board recommended that Lisa work with the department heads to come up with a uniform timesheet and bring back to the Board for further discussion.

Selectman MacCleery asked if any further information was discovered relative to the towns adopted policy on sidewalk maintenance.  The only information Lisa found was an executed agreement with the NHDOT which stipulates the town is responsible for the maintenance of the sidewalks winter and summer.  There is no written town policy on the books that can be found.   Selectman MacCleery is confident that the previous Board established a town sidewalk policy; Lisa was directed to search further and bring her findings back to the Board.

Mr. Millette has responded in the affirmative to the Board’s inquiry of joining the Road Advisory Committee.  The Board directed Lisa to schedule Mr. Millette for an appointment with them next week.

Chris Weir asked for clarity regarding the new process for handling zoning complaints.  Chris asked when this new method of small town man to man policy took effect.  Mr. Weir stated he was told last week by the Board that the process began with the Mark Drew complaint. Selectman Jordan clarified that it began with Z-1 and Hess.  Chris asked then why were the two handled differently and referred to the minutes of May 27, 2008, which read; “The Board discussed the two zoning complaints received for excessive signage at the Hess and Z-1 Express gas stations. ~Selectman Jordan will speak to the manager at Z-1 Express and inform him of the ordinance regulations. ~The Hess station has received a similar complaint in the past. ~Lisa was directed to review the prior violation material and initiate a letter of complaint.”
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 Mr. Weir’s point was that it appears we (Selectmen) are not acting fairly to all parties.  Selectman Jordan stated he did speak to someone on duty at the Hess station as well.  A certified letter was sent to Hess Corporation.  Selectman MacCleery stated this process is not new; we started this back when he handled a complaint for excessive signage for Clark’s Grain Store.  Mr. Weir again stated he did not care which way they handled the complaints, it just appears they are not treating everyone fairly, perhaps there needs to be a written policy.  The Selectmen acknowledged Mr. Weir’s concern and will take the matter under advisement.  

The minutes of June 17, 2008, were approved as written.  

Mail and correspondence were reviewed. Accounts payable and payroll were signed.

A Timber Tax Levy for Williams, map 5, lot 84 in the amount of $229.30 was signed.  

Motion Selectman MacCleery, second Selectman Jordan to adjourn the meeting at 10:00pm.  The vote was unanimous.

Respectfully submitted,                                                 

Lisa Stevens                                                    
Administrator                                                           Approved AS Written

______________________            _______________________         _______________________  
Richard DeBold, Chairman                  Stephen MacCleery               Jeffrey Jordan